Affiliate Resources Page

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Affiliate Resources for One Track Trainers

1. If you haven’t signed up as an affiliate yet go register for an affiliate account now.

(Affiliate Accounts are free)

2. Enter Affiliate ID below in order to create your link. Your Affiliate ID is your ClickBank ‘nickname’.

Customize Your Links: Enter your affiliate id and click the button to customize all the links on this page.
Affiliate id:

3. Copy and paste the BOLD link below into the emails that you send to your list. (you can edit how this hyperlink is displayed with text of your choice, eg ‘get hold of the free system here’) This link will take people to my homepage which to start with will be the page where you download the free system. Later in the launch cycle the home page will become the Sales Page – so your link remains the same.

Link #1: Home page

Link to:
Copy and Paste Code:

Thanks again for helping me out with this launch. If you have any questions email me at


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