Weekly/Monthly Wrap
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It was a fairly quiet week with nothing to get excited about. We only had 6 selections, with 1 winner (1/2 is rather short but every ½ a point counts), 2 seconds and 3 unplaced horses. It looked for all money that Rouquine Sauvage would win but he looks to possibly be a bridle horse, finding nothing when asked. It will be interesting to see how he goes next time. Aurore Destruval ran well but was no match for Irving. You would like to think she will pick up a few races moving forward, especially against her own sex.
A loss of 4.5 points on the week was disappointing and I for one hope that December is a kinder month. It is no great secret that October and November have been a struggle and I am happy to see the back of them!
Monthly Wrap
Admittedly since going live on the 6th November it has been a bit of a struggle, but we are only just over 3 weeks into 52 week journey. We are about 14 points down betting win only, whether betting BOG or Betfair SP. Betting EW has resulted in a near 13 point loss. The first 5 days of November (pre-launch) had 3 winners from 7 selections for a 13.5 points profit. Sods Law. Overall a loss of just under 1 point on the month.
There is not too much more to say really. I do often ask myself whether I should have launched at the start of July. If I had we would all be over 80 points in profit. However, I wanted to bet the main part of the flat season with my own money before releasing anything and I make no apologies for that. I hope that the majority of you, having read the manual etc, can see the long term value of this approach and I know I sound like a broken record but those that have faith in this approach will be rewarded. My own confidence comes from the fact that we are dealing with winning trainer behaviour. These trainers have proved themselves over time and will do so again. They are all testing our patience at the moment but I know they are experts at placing their horses and will come good at some point.
Have a good week and as ever comments are welcome,
Yes up and down indeed, amused/bemused(?) by using your other, free site for winners, but certainly glad they are there. Definitely benefiting from level staking and a level head even though losers hurt, a win soon lifts my spirits and betting bank to good margins, easy for me to say keep emotion out of it but self doubt does creep into my own thoughts. I hope all are using racingtoprofit and doing just that. Your TV trends is/are interesting, I picked Many Clouds off my own basic stats along with Druids Nephew, again, following your trend write up you could maybe have written who the trends led you to, as well as on the other site, not a criticism just a thought, once I realised I was missing winners there I made sure I added the page to my home screen to remember to look there! Your thoughts, opinions and writing are all clear, concise and appreciated, along with all tips which I consider and/or back according to your individual coverage and staking advice, it’s obvious you know your onions which gives me long term faith in OTT, I note from reading GeeGeez etc that many have struggled in November, so you are not alone, and if long term historical stats ring true again then we will reap the benefit of your works, knowledge is indeed power and hey, may even lead to long term profits too, which is why I bought in and will stay and pay longer term with you if it fulfills it’s previous historical promise. Long post but I have been thinking(ouch!) all the best!
Hello both…
Dave… yes up and down…the Pace Wins the Race selections are not a system Dave, just a unique approach to finding horses. I do not see myself as a tipster and that is the first time i have ever consistently ‘tipped’ horses just using form..it would be wrong to charge for something when you dont know if you will be any good!
That is quite different from creating a system etc which is not based on form and you back selections systematically because you have faith in the angle. These trainers will come good and although we are only 3 weeks in it does feel like a long time when the decent priced winners are scarce. Thanks as ever for comment Dave and for keeping the faith! These trainers are not all of a sudden going to change approach and stop shaving winners when sending just the one runner
James… yes i think you are right maybe i will track Donald and see how he goes after first week etc.. yes the Bonus systems are doing well but they have been researched with same care and attention as OTT and tap into a trainers habits/behavior in doing well with certain horses etc etc – hopefully they give you some confidence that OTT with turn around!!
Bristol Dave has some good comments.
I do think that any ‘Pace wins the Race’ postings should be included within the area that he and I are paying for !!
Unfortunately I never saw the posting mentioning ‘Many Clouds’.
Best Regards,
Hi Adrian..in fairness i only started Pace Wins The Race as a bit of fun and test to see how I went and i have to offer something on the free blog..as it turns out the start has been rather better than I had hoped..and on the flip side, if I had started with 8 losers in a row for ‘Pace’ people would wonder why i was posting them here. The Bonus selections are exclusive for OTT members and they are not available anywhere else. Yes I cant email out every time i post something on either blog as people would just get annoyed but hopefully checking both OTT members area and http://www.racingtoprofit.co.uk become part of your daily routine
Josh, one more comment before I bugger orf!
My thoughts are sent constructively, as a guy who immerses himself in reading and trying to learn I’m happy to trawl for your posts and choose bets (or not) accordingly, just trying to help improvements for all followers, let’s be honest a lot of followers are ‘gamblers’ for want of a better term, on finding you and finding winners I/we are naturally inclined to dip a toe in on what looks good, and lo, the other page has started well, damned if you do, damned if you don’t, I’m happy to look for and read all you post just think you are missing a trick if not including such thoughts here, I understand this page is primarily OTT and yes, it all takes work, but hey, that’s me, my life doesn’t understand me
all the best, and yes, keeping the faith!
Appreciated amigo.
Hi Josh.I was already a member of geegeez but thank you very much for your video which was very explanitary and I found out quite a lot I didn’t know.I have just backed a 16-1 winner in the 5.15 at Kempton.It was top rated,2lb lower than its last win,had a low draw and was likely to be up with the pace.It also showed up well on the instant expert and I use the today button on the form filter which shows you if the horse had won any races under todays conditions.Diamond Charlie had won 2.Thanks regards Roy clark